I just went for a little walk around the block and noticed this beautiful sea of green grasses and clovers, with pockets of bright yellow sorrel flowers throughout. And with green and yellow, particularly the bright and delicate yellow of sorrel flowers, being among my favourite colours, especially in combination, I got such a visceral sense of joy, aliveness and nourishment from it. And I was reminded that sources of beauty, nourishment and life are all around us, patiently waiting for our acknowledgement and for us to actually open up to receive.
And to add, as I appreciated and took in the nourishment, I also received this “knowing”, of the health benefits, particularly vitamin C, of this plant. And I’m trying to discern whether I had this knowing before? I do remember as a child laying on such fields of green and picking and eating the long sour stems of these plants, so perhaps it was my body knowing?
I then got reminded of posts/memes often floating around with a poisonous or bitter-tasting plant or fruit like mushrooms or garlic, with the caption “I wonder how many people died trying out all the various plants to figure out which are safe, medicinal, etc.” as if this was some random act or stroke of luck. Instead, I believe the people of way back then had an intimate connection and were in active communion with nature and life which telepathically transferred their wisdom and gifts to those humans open and willing to receive them.
So today I invite you to consider what sources of support, beauty, joy, healing and nourishment are around you, simply waiting for you to acknowledge and open up to receive it?
I hope you enjoyed this week’s blog.
Thank you for reading, for being here, and for being you.
With love.